Young Living Still Going Strong!

Young Living Still Going Strong!
Greeting Friends!
I just returned from an amazing, refreshing trip to Ecuador. The Young Living farm, NovaVita Wellness Center and the Young Living Academy and Community Center in Chongon, Ecuador. 
Since I am a farm girl at heart, the Vinca Botanica Frm is is very special to me. I got to pick Ylang Ylang and toss it into the steamer to prepare for distillation. I can't wait to get to more farms and see the Seed to Seal process that makes Young Living oils the finest quality in the world. The Seed to Seal video is on my website. 
NovaVita is the amazing Wellness Center at the Vinca Botanica Farm. We were drinking water that was steeped with Ylang Ylang flowers. Where else can you do that? 
I was excited to meet the student that I sponsor at the Young Living Academy. Beautiful Amy will graduate in February. Jame is the thrid student that I have sponsored and got to attend the graduation. This school has high standards for acceptance and a long waiting list to get into the school. The success of the graduates is incredible! Goals of Engineers, Doctors, Business, Arts and more. I am so glad that I get to take part of improving this little part of the world. 
Phil and I are happy to share the goodness and wellness that the Young Living oils and products bring to each person's life. We also are passionate about supporting the Young Living Foundation and all that the members of YL do to make this world a better place and hope in people's lives. 
Join us!

Just do it!

Get the crap out of your life--those toxic cleaners, toxic thoughts, body products, and what you put in your body.  Except wine, you can have wine. Lol. 

The World Needs Us More Than Ever!

The World Needs Us More Than Ever!
Are you making the world a better place? 
That's a question I ask myself everyday.  If I'm not, what choices do I need to change?   And what does Young Living have to with change? 

I have been a brand partner with Young Living for over seven years. As a family we slowly tried the oils and products.  We started by diffusing an essential oil on our bedstead at night. Now we use multiple oils daily for physical, mental and spiritual well- being. Game changer.

We took a Ningxia Red  drink challenge. We feel we won!  It's a superfood with clinical proof of significantly improving physical energy levels and reduced stress levels.  In seven years we still drink Ningxia Red daily. Game Changer. 

We starting using Thieves cleaning products: household cleaner, laundry soap, dish soap and hand sanitizer. We use Thieves toothpaste and mouthwash.  We tossed the toxic products out of the house. We look back now and realize how much our health has improved and what toxic stuff we are NOT putting in our bodies. Game Changer.  

Ask us about our testimonies of how we have used oils when Phil cut off the top of his finger with a mandoline cutting cucumbers and when I got whacked in the head with a brick in Nepal, or what we used when we got that nasty virus going around the world. Absolutely a Game Changer. 

We have heard hundreds of stories from our Young Living community of how Young Living has changed their lives, in Wellness, Purpose and Abundance.  It's time for us to share Young Living's commitment to be a World Changer.  We'd love to have you join us in this journey.  
Phil and Janet 

I am still here! And still using these incredible oils!

I am still here! And still using these incredible oils!
How can I fill in the past year? All I can say is that I am grateful that we made it home from Nepal in March 2020 just when lockdowns and flights started shutting down. 
And we are...
Still dreaming.
Still hopeful.
Still looking forward what the future will bring.
Still loving time with family and friends.

Still using ALL the Oils! Especially ALL THE OILS. 

I have plentiful bottles in my  essential oil stash, reach out to me it there is one that you would like to try. 

My Favorite Oil! #1 winner

PEPPERMINT!!!! My favorite oil! Why? Let me tell you how I use this incredible oil.

I keep this oil with me at all times--even in my garden. 
1. I dab a drop on back of my neck and forehead to wake my up when I get sleepy. Then I smell the Peppermint deeply for an invigorating moment and helps me focus. 
2. I use a drop of Peppermint Vitality essential oil in my water or dab a drop on my finger and put on my tongue. Whew! Not only freshens your mouth but opens up your airways. 
3. I got whacked by a brick on our service trip in Nepal. The only oil on hand at the work site was Peppermint. The swelling went down immediately and I got very minimal bruising. 
4. If I eat too much or the wrong food Peppermint will help settle my tummy.
5. Reason to take to my garden--ward of pests and if one attacks I put a drop on the control the itchy feeling. 
So much more but all for now. Of course, I use only Young Living Essential Oils--I can trust the oils are the finest in the world and I can visit the farms where the crops are grown. That's enough for me! 

Clean Living Starts Here--Get the Theives Cleaner and Glass Spray Bottle FREE!

Clean Living Starts Here--Get the Theives Cleaner and Glass Spray Bottle FREE!
When I started using Young Living oils and products I was excited to begin a new thing. I had no idea that so much of what I was using in my household and on my body was actually making me get this sinus headaches, foggy head and all those things. I liked to have a nice smelling house with scented plug-ins, candles and sprays and I used strong cleaners that I had to leave the room until it cleared out. What? Those things were what made me feel bad? Yup, filled with chemicals and stuff that is not good for me and my family.  That is when I started using the Theives Household Cleaner for everything. Until the end of May you get a bottle of Theives Household Cleaner and a glass spray bottle for FREE when you sign up with a Starter Kit(Twelve essential oils, a diffuser and other goodies).  It is a great time to try it all. Plus, I will give you booklets and other resources on how to use all the things.... By the way, Theives Household Cleaner smells wonderful!

Gratitude, Giving and Grace: MAY It's My Birth Month!!! New Blog, New Season

Gratitude, Giving and Grace:  MAY   It's My Birth Month!!!  New Blog, New Season
Hi, Friends!
Look out MAY! Here we come! This is a BIG birth month and year for me! I want to celebrate by giving. I am giving YOU stuff! 

You may have known that Phil and I are really passionate about our volunteer Ambassador role with Young Living Foundation. We have seen with our own eyes the work they are doing with partners in Uganda, and the homes, schools, and women's centers in Nepal and the life-changing Young Living Academy in Ecuador. Thousands of lives are being empowered and changed. Remember, there is ZERO admin fee, 100% of donation goes to people and projects. 

In my birth month, MAY, we are giving YOU a gift for your support of Young Living Foundation!! Yes, YOU get a gift! For a donation of $40 and above we will mail you a bracelet made with semi-precious beads and Palo Santo wood beads! The Palo Santo beads smell heavenly and the scent lingers after continued wear. Palo Santo is a wood that Young Living distills for a lovely essential oil with many benefits. 

Two ways to give: Click link below. If you are a Young Living member you put in your member number and then they will know it is you. If you are not a YL member click "no".  Fill in the information so they know who to send tax info to. No, they will not spam you with tons of emails, just occasional updates.

Or, TEXT to donate:  Text 91011    Subject Line: Changelives

Phil and Janet 
Young Living Foundation Ambassadors

Gratitude, Giving, and Grace: Daily living in Gratitude

I feel like this post doesn't need a lot of words to explain. Gratitude cannot be seen. When we have gratitude in our hearts and minds we will be more open to the blessings that each day gives us.  Our bodies will respond by becoming more relaxed and our mind elevated to accept those blessings. 
Blessings to you all today!
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