The World Needs Us More Than Ever!
Are you making the world a better place? 
That's a question I ask myself everyday.  If I'm not, what choices do I need to change?   And what does Young Living have to with change? 

I have been a brand partner with Young Living for over seven years. As a family we slowly tried the oils and products.  We started by diffusing an essential oil on our bedstead at night. Now we use multiple oils daily for physical, mental and spiritual well- being. Game changer.

We took a Ningxia Red  drink challenge. We feel we won!  It's a superfood with clinical proof of significantly improving physical energy levels and reduced stress levels.  In seven years we still drink Ningxia Red daily. Game Changer. 

We starting using Thieves cleaning products: household cleaner, laundry soap, dish soap and hand sanitizer. We use Thieves toothpaste and mouthwash.  We tossed the toxic products out of the house. We look back now and realize how much our health has improved and what toxic stuff we are NOT putting in our bodies. Game Changer.  

Ask us about our testimonies of how we have used oils when Phil cut off the top of his finger with a mandoline cutting cucumbers and when I got whacked in the head with a brick in Nepal, or what we used when we got that nasty virus going around the world. Absolutely a Game Changer. 

We have heard hundreds of stories from our Young Living community of how Young Living has changed their lives, in Wellness, Purpose and Abundance.  It's time for us to share Young Living's commitment to be a World Changer.  We'd love to have you join us in this journey.  
Phil and Janet 


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