PEPPERMINT!!!! My favorite oil! Why? Let me tell you how I use this incredible oil.

I keep this oil with me at all times--even in my garden. 
1. I dab a drop on back of my neck and forehead to wake my up when I get sleepy. Then I smell the Peppermint deeply for an invigorating moment and helps me focus. 
2. I use a drop of Peppermint Vitality essential oil in my water or dab a drop on my finger and put on my tongue. Whew! Not only freshens your mouth but opens up your airways. 
3. I got whacked by a brick on our service trip in Nepal. The only oil on hand at the work site was Peppermint. The swelling went down immediately and I got very minimal bruising. 
4. If I eat too much or the wrong food Peppermint will help settle my tummy.
5. Reason to take to my garden--ward of pests and if one attacks I put a drop on the control the itchy feeling. 
So much more but all for now. Of course, I use only Young Living Essential Oils--I can trust the oils are the finest in the world and I can visit the farms where the crops are grown. That's enough for me! 


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