Hi, Friends!
Look out MAY! Here we come! This is a BIG birth month and year for me! I want to celebrate by giving. I am giving YOU stuff!
You may have known that Phil and I are really passionate about our volunteer Ambassador role with Young Living Foundation. We have seen with our own eyes the work they are doing with partners in Uganda, and the homes, schools, and women's centers in Nepal and the life-changing Young Living Academy in Ecuador. Thousands of lives are being empowered and changed. Remember, there is ZERO admin fee, 100% of donation goes to people and projects.
In my birth month, MAY, we are giving YOU a gift for your support of Young Living Foundation!! Yes, YOU get a gift! For a donation of $40 and above we will mail you a bracelet made with semi-precious beads and Palo Santo wood beads! The Palo Santo beads smell heavenly and the scent lingers after continued wear. Palo Santo is a wood that Young Living distills for a lovely essential oil with many benefits. 

Two ways to give: Click link below. If you are a Young Living member you put in your member number and then they will know it is you. If you are not a YL member click "no". Fill in the information so they know who to send tax info to. No, they will not spam you with tons of emails, just occasional updates.
Or, TEXT to donate: Text 91011 Subject Line: Changelives
Phil and Janet
Young Living Foundation Ambassadors

Hello, My Friend!
Phil and I so grateful to have the wonderful opportunity to serve with the Young Living Foundation in 2019.
Have you heard that millions of people, mostly women and children, have been victims of modern day slavery? While Phil and I were in Uganda we visited two safe houses for rescued children, one for girls and one for boys. In this photo I am with a little girl who came with her older sister.
Our monetary gifts to Young Living Foundation Hope for Justice are helping to support the homes, educate and counsel the children and so much more.
Young Living Foundation works with Hope for Justice, supporting the efforts to rescue children from being victims of modern slavery to become empowered to be free and restored. Hope for Justice uses a four-tiered approach to end this disgusting thorn in our world. Read more at www.younglivingfoundation.org and click on the projects tab..